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Rigorous Research Leading to Success

Our dedicated R&D department comprising 300 scientists, work day and night applying science to the cause of finding cures. They collaborate closely with business development associates to come up with breakthrough ideas for addressing patient needs and find synergies that cut-across therapeutic domains. The main focus is to develop affordable novel products with the help of niche technologies.

We take immense pride in the strong intellectual capital of our staff and the many years of experience that they bring to Cadila’s labs in chemistry, analytical techniques, dosage forms, new formulations, preclinical research, clinical research or even patent law.

Research Areas

  • Formulation Development
  • Herbal Product Development
  • API solutions
  • Pre-Clinical and Clinical Research
  • Biotechnology

R & D Milestones

1400+ worldwide product registrations

1400+ worldwide product registrations

16 ANDAs approved

16 ANDAs approved

30 ANDAs filed

30 ANDAs filed

457 patents filed globally

457 patents filed globally

133 patents granted

133 patents granted

180 API Drug Master Files submitted globally

180 API Drug Master Files submitted globally

Our Win- Win Strengths

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Grow through strategic territory expansions, partnerships, globalization for deeper penetration into evolving markets, through joint ventures and subsidiaries.

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Develop a broad portfolio of products through non-infringing processes to emerge as a significant player in the generics market.

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Emerge as a market leader in the manufacture and supply of premium quality, innovative specialty, and generic formulations.

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