What is Breast Cancer?
Breast cancer is a type of cancer that develops in breast cells. The cancer forms either in lobules (glands that produce milk) or in the ducts (pathways to bring milk from lobules to nipple).
Symptoms of Breast Cancer-
- New lump in the breast or underarm (armpit)
- Thickening or swelling of part of the breast
- Irritation or dimpling of breast skin
- Redness or flaky skin in the nipple area or the breast
- Pulling in of the nipple or pain in the nipple area
- Nipple discharge other than breast milk, including blood
- Any change in the size or the shape of the breast
- Pain in any area of the breast
Are you prone to Breast Cancer?
- Women: Females are more prone to breast cancer
- Age: As you age, your chances of developing breast cancer increases
- Family history: If your family has suffered from breast cancer, you might have increased risk
- Late menopause
- No pregnancy or late pregnancy: If you’ve never been pregnant or have had a child at later stage of life, you might be at a higher risk
Steps to conduct a breast self-exam:
- Step 1: Look at your breasts in the mirror by standing straight. Look for a difference in shape, size or colour of your breasts.
- Step 2: Raise your arms and look for the same change. Also look out for any discharge from your nipple.
- Step 3: Lie down, and feel your breasts for any lumps with your finger pads of your hand.
- Step 4: Repeat step 3 while standing up. Remember to cover the entire breast while checking for lumps.
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Disclaimer: Viewers/ listeners are treated this guidelines strictly as preventive, first-aid, primary and in general and same may be vary case to case basis. The same are subject to diagnosis / advise by own family physician, well versed with own patient/family – personal health related history/issues.