“Confident walking is more meaningful than confused running.”
The above is an ideology that Dr. Arun Patil swears by.
Being a leader is not at all easy, especially when you are driving a major business unit at one of the largest and oldest pharma giant from India.
In his long and successful career, he has been a recipient of many awards, including ‘Vijay Shree’ award felicitated by the Governor at Delhi and ‘Bharat Gaurav Award’ from Industrial Economic Forum Delhi, in the field of Science & Technology.
He was also nominated as an expert scientist by Government of India, Cabinet secretariat, as a government representative at “Nobel Peace Prize” winning “Organization for the prohibition of Chemical weapons”, headquartered in Netherlands. In the recent past, he also won an ‘Excellent Contribution Reward’ from a British joint venture from Malaysia, in recognition of significant efforts & contribution in achieving individual, departmental & company’s objectives.
Born and raised in western India, he spent his childhood admiring the mythological/ historical stories including Ramayan, Mahabharat & Chanakya epics. Hence it doesn’t come as a surprise that he tries to imbibe all the learnings. He is currently working as President & Business Unit Head of API division at Cadila Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Dr Arun Patil is one, who has taken up the challenge of developing and growing the business, and is doing a great job at it.
Can you please tell us more about your educational and career background?
Academically, I have a Doctorate in Medicinal Organic Chemistry including a Bachelors in Law (LL.B). I have over 25 years of experience in MNC Healthcare organizations, wherein I was based across multiple geographies – India, Malaysia, Canada and Mexico in various leadership roles across functions – Operations Management, Business Management & Project Management with designations like CEO, VP, Global-Head & SBU-Head. While managing technical and commercial responsibilities, I had an opportunity to travel to over 30 countries and each country has added more to my leadership style. I also have an authoritative expertise for various scientific, regulatory, statutory and business management affairs.
Can you please brief us about the business structure?
Cadila Pharma’s Chemical Strategic Business Unit (CSBU) mainly focuses on Active Pharmaceuticals Ingredients (APIs) manufactured in India, and we export it to over 85 countries world-wide including US, Europe, Japan, LATAM, China, Korea, & Russia.
What are some of the steps taken for expansion?
Driving business in competitive era has its own challenges, as leaders have to always find a fair balance between the interest of customers and the organisations they are leading. Placing the right people at the right time has been my strategy in successfully achieving the target. I also emphasize on deeper customer connect for consistent business growth. In rising competition with every passing year, expectations regarding quality of products have been increasing from both the stakeholders – customers, and the regulatory authorities who’s ever-evolving guidelines need to be adhered by customers.
In a short span of 18 months, we have received successful accreditation like USFDA, Health Canada, EDQM, TGA Australia, PMDA Japan, Cofepris Mexico, Korean FDA and WHO – Geneva. It is a unique feat in pharma industry to have so many regulatory approvals consecutively.
Tell us something about CSBU R&D pipeline.
You can only survive in a competitive market, when you have innovations coming out on a regular basis. So we try to stay ahead of the game as much as possible. New product pipeline of our R&D for next 5 years is focusing on various therapy areas like anti-diabetic, anti-hypertensive, cardiovascular and anti-virals. We follow two-prong approach – one comprising captive ANDA filing products for our in-house Finished Formulations division and the second one mainly for Chemical SBU business.
What is your strategy towards increasing the business in USA?
Since we have received USFDA approval also for API facility, it has opened doors for our US business. Going forward, we have a strong basket of 25 ANDA products for captive demand as well as for API business with cost competitive price. Hence, the future in USA is exciting.
Your Journey in one sentence:
Interesting, adventurous and vibrant.
Your biggest role model:
One of the most profound impression I have had in my life is that of ‘Dhanurdhari Arjuna – An Archer’, a mesmerizing character from the very famous Indian mythological epic named ‘Mahabharata’.
Your leadership style:
Democratic – visionary, compassionate and focused on building lasting relationships.